This committee was established subject to the Urban Councils Act, Charter 29:15, Section 97. The committee chairperson is Cllr T Mutara and the vice chairperson is Cllr Cosmas Nyoni.
Subject to the Urban Councils Act, Charter 29:15, Section 98(1), the audit committee’s terms of reference are:
- Inquiring into and reporting upon the manner in which the finances of the Council, its assets and human resources are being used;
- Ascertaining whether the funds and assets of Council are applied for the purposes intended and are consistent with any regulations and standing orders issued by the Council or the Minister, as the case may be;
- Calling for information, explanations and evidence in respect of any matters in respect of which auditors have made observations;
- Receiving and considering reports of internal and external auditors and make appropriate recommendations to Council;
- Recommending to Council appropriate methods of investment of moneys and custody of any other Council properties