This committee regulates the financial affairs of the Council in accordance with the standing orders and by-laws of the Council. The committee chairperson is Cllr F Chirwa and the vice chairperson is Cllr A Mumpande. The committee members are Cllr L Ncube, Cllr A V Sibanda, and Cllr G Nyoni.
It is terms of reference are:
- Control revenue generation and collection;
- Control and authorization of expenditure;
- Prepare estimates of revenue and expenditure;
- Supplementary estimates where necessary;
- Acquisition and alienation of municipal property;
- Income generating activities;
- Control of leasing activities and other Council properties;
- Control of municipal assets;
- Authorization of capital expenditure;
- Review audit reports,
- All matters other than those specified in other committees;
- Investment strategies and other income generating programmes;
- Control of municipal stores.