Central Administration Department
The Town Secretary is Mr Ndumiso Mdlalose. He has been with Hwange Local Board since 2002 and has over 17 years of work experience. Among other qualifications, Mr Mdlalose holds a Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Social Work and a Masters in Development Studies.
The Town Secretary is the Accounting officer of council, responsible for the following:
- the proper administration of the council;
- managing the operations and property of the council;
- supervising and controlling the activities of the employees of the council in the course of their employment;
- direct, supervise, appraise, develop and report on the work and conduct of all council employees;
- take appropriate measures to ensure efficiency, and discipline among all council employees;
- where so authorized by the council, sign orders, notices, or any document requiring authentication, or execution on behalf of the council;
- recommend to the council the measures necessary to safeguard the finances and assets of the council;
- take such steps as he or she considers to be necessary for the purpose of giving effect to any resolution of the council;
- account to the council for the performance of any tasks entrusted through him or her to the employees of the council;
- make such recommendations to the council or any committee of the council as he or she considers to be necessary or desirable to effect economies, improve co-ordination and, generally, to improve the operations of the council or committee concerned;
- introduce, implement and monitor adequate control systems;
- be responsible for the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization of the council and the coordination and, where necessary, the integration of its activities and, for such purposes, he may, after consultation with the head of the department concerned, inspect, inquire into and investigate the working and administration of any department or section thereof, either by himself or through any person authorized by him.